
Project "Information Literacy at Swiss Universities" (2011). Swiss Standards for Information Literacy.

German, French, Italian, English


A now widely accepted definition of information literacy by UNESCO is:
„Information Literacy is the capacity of people to: Recognize their information needs; locate and evaluate the quality of information; store and retrieve information; make effective and ethical use of information; and apply information to create and communicate knowledge.” (Catts & Lau 2008).

This definition by UNESCO and the standards of the Australian and New Zealand Information Literacy Framework of the Australian and New Zealand Institute for Information Literacy ANZIL (Bundy, 2004) and the internationally established Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education of the American Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL 2000) formed the basis for the development of the Swiss Standards of Information Literacy. A reformulation of the standards was necessary as these had to be adapted to the cultural content of the Swiss target audience. In so doing it was ensured that the contents of all three linguistic cultural regions (German, French, Italian) were fulfilled.