The requirements for information literacy are defined in the standards that have originated from the various models for information literacy. The skills set in the standards are those which require students to deal with information in order to achieve their study objectives. In contrast to the process-based models, standards are formulated on a more abstract level. Standards serve as a guide for the creation of learning opportunities, which are not only focused purely on library training activities, but also on aspects of academic work.
Various countries have developed standards for official communication on information literacy.
Australia and New Zealand:
Bundy, Alan (2004). Australian and New Zealand Information Literacy Framework: Principles, Standards and Practice. 2nd edition. Adelaide.
Deutscher Bibliotheksverband e.V., Dienstleistungskommission (2009). Standards der Informationskompetenz für Studierende. Berlin.
These are the national standards. For the standards of information literacy for students see Baden-Württemberg.
Netzwerk Informationskompetenz Baden-Württemberg (NIK-BW) (2006). Standards der Informationskompetenz für Studierende. Stuttgart.
Bibliotheksverbund Bayern, AG Informationskompetenz (2011). Standards der Informationskompetenz für Schülerinnen und Schüler. Das Angebot der wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken. München.
Great Britain:
Society of College, National and University Libraries (1999). Information Skills in Higher Education. London.
Université de Québéc
Le Programme de développement des compétences informationnelles (PDCI) (2004). Les normes de compétences informationnelles. Québéc.
Université de Laval
Pierre Carrier & Mitglieder des Comité d'animation sur la formation documentaire (CAFDOC) (2004). Programme de formation documentaire. Laval.
Im Anschluss an die formulierten Standards beinhalten beide Dokumente die Umsetzung der Standards in ein Kursprogramm.
Standards für die Naturwissenschaften
Standards für die Geisteswissenschaften
Association of College Research Libraries (ALA) (2000). Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. Chicago.