
Project "Information Literacy at Swiss Universities". (2011). Information Literacy Competency Grid Guide. Zürich.

German, French, Italian, English


The information literacy competency grid explains the learning objectives of the standards as expected for each of the three stages, beginner, advanced and expert levels. Bearing in mind that each stage integrates the knowledge gained from the preceding stage. Thus it is assumed that at expert level the skills of the beginners and advanced levels have been met.

The accompanying guide to the grid with respect to the competence levels, beginner, advanced and expert are based on the levels of education, especially the tertiary education sector. Usually a person possesses different levels of competency for various skills in the standards.

People who deal with simple issues and questions. At the interface of high school, college and freshmen.

Students at the end of a Bachelor’s degree or early/mid Master’s program, writing seminar or bachelor theses or more comprehensive papers at Master’s level.

Masters students, PhD students, or people in general who are active in research and collaborate on research projects (research assistants, lecturers).

The competency grid guide is an aid for the planning of individual sequences in courses. To ensure a better understanding of the guide, the terms are explained in the introduction. The second section specifies the learning objectives for the standards for the three competency levels, with possible examples.