
Name of the interest group/network:
Arbeitsgruppe Informationskompetenz für Bibliotheksverbund IDS Luzern

Institutions behind the working group:
ZHB Luzern, Bibliotheken der Hochschule Luzern

Short description:
The Working Group Information Literacy IDS Lucerne was launched at the request of the IDS Lucerne library staff who deal with information transfer. It organises the exchange of knowledge and development for all IL events (2-3 workshops per year for approximately 25 library personnel), coordinates joint IL events and IL communication channels and content focus areas in the IDS Lucerne.

Silke Bellanger, Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern
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Name of the interest group/network:
Arbeitsgruppe Informationskompetenz UZH/ZH

Institutions behind the working group:
Main Library of the University of Zurich (HBZ) and Library of the Department of Geography, UZH

Short description:
The Working Group Information Literacy UZH/ZH was launched in 2009 at the request of institute libraries of the University of Zurich and the bodies of the HBZ. The working group meets two to three times annually. The workshops serve as both further training and the exchange of information. The aim of the working group is to coordinate and expand on the current information literacy courses currently offered as well as making them more visible. Today approximately 20 to 25 institute libraries from the University of Zurich, the Zentralbibliothek Zürich, the ETH-Bibliothek, the Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich and the Sozialarchiv, work alongside the organizing institutes.

Brigitte Schubnell, Main Library of the University of Zurich
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Name of the interest group/network:
Arbeitsgruppe Schulung

Institute behind the working group:
Universitätsbibliothek Bern

Short description:
The Working Group Education designed and strategically coordinate the services of the University Library of Berne in the development of information literacy. Members of the working group represent different libraries divisions of the University Library of Berne and conduct training for various fields, e.g. specialised database training, library launches or courses in literature management. The organisation of the department of information competence is assigned to the working group.

Corinne Keller, Universitätsbibliothek Bern
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Lennart Güntzel, Universitätsbibliothek Bern
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Name of the interest group/network:
Arbeitsgruppe compas - Strukturiertes Forschen im Web

Institute behind the working group:
Infoclio, see

Short description:
The Working Group Compas – Structured Research on the Web serves as the advisory committee for the development of an educational resource for history students in the area of information literacy, which can be used in pro-seminars in the classroom and is also directly accessible for students via The compas teaching material has been available for free on the website since 2012.

Enrico Natale and Jan Baumann,
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There are numerous working groups that have joined together at individual colleges or universities. Short despcriptions of some of these working groups will be presented.   

Are you involved in a working group and would like to introduce it here?
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